Les Bouquinistes Chapters Project
Our goal for Les Bouquinistes is to produce a stunning, great-value Napa Valley wine, while promoting the important missions of our esteemed authors and generating much-needed awareness and funding for their vetted causes around the world. As you know, past vintages have featured a wide range of books documenting experiences and injustices in developing countries where the voices of young women and girls often go unheard. To date, we have donated more than $250,000 to charities in places such as Cambodia, India, Africa, and Syria. Now we direct our focus to Nepal!
Chapter 8
Les Bouquinistes 2022 Chapter Eight features Sarah Davison-Tracy’s No Longer Untouchable, a true story that recounts the horror of young girls snatched from their homes and sold — by strangers, friends and even family members. 15,000 women and 5,000 girls are trafficked out of Nepal each year. Many are forced to become sex slaves before they reach the age of ten. Once sold to a brothel, it is nearly impossible to leave alive. In this book, Devisara “Hannah” Badi and her sisters bring you the appalling reality as they tell their stories. As part of Nepal’s Badi community, they are considered by many to be “the worthless dust” of Nepal, the untouchables of untouchables. With that lowly caste status comes extreme poverty, a lack of basic rights such as education and citizenship, and more often than not, a life of prostitution. Their stories are both horrifying and hopeful, as each escapes captivity and rejects her untouchable status. They have overcome unimaginable odds to survive, and today they are bravely fighting to bring freedom, hope and love back into the darkest corners of the world.
Proceeds from this vintage will support the vital work of the anti- trafficking partners of Seeds of Exchange - a community organization founded by Sarah Davison-Tracy.
Too Young to Wed.